Work With Me
Let's work together, contact me for more info.
I would love to hear from brands and small businesses who want to work with me, especially if they are environmentally conscious or interested in social responsibility. I love vegan and eco-friendly beauty products, household products and sleepwear. I love to chat about sustainable beauty products, ethical fashion and small ways to make your life that little bit more earth friendly.
These topics appeal to my audience of men and women in their mid-twenties and thirties, as well as women in their mid 40’s. I am especially keen to spread the word about eco-friendly living and women's health.
Please read my product gifting policy and fee information (below) for further details.
​To request a copy of my media kit or to ask about working with me please email
Blog Reviews
Terms and conditions of offers of gifted items:
​If you would like to offer me a free product or service (“Product Gifting”), either for review or to style and post on my blog, my Policy is as follows:
I reserve the right to decide if and when to feature a gifted product/service in a blog post or on my social media platforms. When sending the items to me you agree that I am under no obligation to share content. This includes a specific time frame to post.
I may or may not post about the product/service in whatever context (blog or social media platform).
A collaboration that requires guaranteed blog/social media exposure (or any other requests like specific keywords or links) is considered sponsored content and therefore chargeable – see paragraph below.
If/when a gifted product/service appears in a blog post I will include the details in the disclaimer at the end of the post, if it appears in a social media post I will similarly disclose that the item was gifted to me.
By sending the items to me you agree that any returns or collections of unsuitable items will be at your own expense.
If the gifted items are sent to me without my prior consent, all the terms listed still apply.
Fees for a guaranteed blog post feature or social media post are bespoke and we can discuss this over email. Please contact my email above.